Join us in today’s devotion and prayer-

Read the Psalm in your favorite version or in the following KJV and then join us in praying below:


73 Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments.

74 They that fear thee will be glad when they see me; because I have hoped in thy word.

75 I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.

76 Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy

77 Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight.

78 Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause: but I will meditate in thy precepts.

79 Let those that fear thee turn unto me, and those that have known thy testimonies.

80 Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.  (KJV)

Our Father,

Let your steadfast loving kindness be a comfort to us and let all of your promises to your servants be fulfilled in our lives.  Let your mercy come to us, that we may live the abundant life now and forevermore. For your Word is our delight and your promises a blessing that help us to focus on our path and journey serving you.

Rise us up through the counsel of your Holy Spirit and help us to become your faithful servants today and bear your Word and testimony in this generation.

The church is now weak and sometimes in conflict against itself. Bring forth faithful servants in the midst of this cultural confusion that dominants your people, particularly in the West. Bring revival to your church and let it rise up and become a faithful representation of your Kingdom in this generation.

It is now time for your Word to go forth to every nation with signs following. It is tragic that at this very time in history, nations which were once strongholds of your faith are now weak and need to see revival. Bring forth a new awakening to your church once more in the West and a new revival across America while it is yet day.

Let your Kingdom come and your will be done among those who bear the name of your Son Jesus. Let servants from every nation and people rejoice and bow before him now before that blessed day when he comes in the clouds when every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. We are looking and preparing for that glorious day when all of creation will be saved. It is our continual cry and prayer: Come Lord Jesus, come.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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